IVY-DRY® Products

Easily apply to hard-to-reach areas of the body, at any angle, even up-side-down.

Quickly relieve the itching with our pump spray. Trusted treatments for over 50 years.
Works great on insect bites!
A mosquito feasted on my ankles at a friend’s bbq. The itch on my ankle bone and my toes was intense! I realized that I had a bottle of the Ivy-Dry Super in my cabinet and in my last-ditch-effort to save myself from scratching off my skin, I sprayed it directly on my mosquito bites.… Read more “Works great on insect bites!”
Highly Recommend
Hello, my name is Ricky. I just wanted to tell you that your product,though expensive, works really well. I was skeptical about buying it but the pharmacist recommended your product right off the top. I am a person who, when in contact of poison ivy,oak or sumac, has to go to the doctor to get… Read more “Highly Recommend”
Camp Nurse Approved
I work as a camp nurse, plus have 5 boys who are all very allergic to poison ivy. Your ivy dry is what I put in the standing orders at camp and also since I do most of the ordering, I make sure that Ivy Dry is what is ordered. I also have it on… Read more “Camp Nurse Approved”
A great product that works FAST
I just had to let you know how over the moon I am with your Ivy Dry Scrub. I am writing this on a Sunday. I woke up with the rash on Friday, after an unknown exposure on Thursday. It took me a day or so to realize that poison ivy must be the problem… Read more “A great product that works FAST”
We love your product
We love your product very much and have been devoted fans for over 20 years. Every year my husband breaks out with a poison ivy rash from working in the yard clearing brush and chipping it. He uses your product exclusively to clear up the stinging and itchy rash. It’s a real soother. We have… Read more “We love your product”
Thank You
Thank you so much for changing your packaging on the Ivy Dry Super 6oz product. In your old packaging the actuator nozzle was the same color as the actuator…..making it difficult to know where the spray was going to come out (I used to get spray in places I did not want). The change in… Read more “Thank You”
Product is Amazing
I’ve been using your products for about 4 days and my poison oak has cleared up. Your product is amazing and I’m gonna recommend it to anybody who comes in tact with poison oak,ivy or sumac.
An Incredible Product
Wow, what an incredible product you have to treat posion ivy! I recently contracted a pretty good case of it on my forearms and stomach. This after I would have sworn I was immune, having only had a small patch of it about 40 years ago and never contracting it since. I honestly went to… Read more “An Incredible Product”