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Poison Ivy Facts

  • In the U.S. there are five different types of poison ivy, oak, or sumac. They are found in every state except Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Poison ivy usually grows as a vine on tree trunks or straggling over the ground; poison oak and sumac are shrubs.
  • All three plants contain a poisonous, oily irritant called urushiol. This substance combines with protein in the skin to produce irritation.
  • Urushiol is found in the entire plant and any exposure to it will produce a rash. Some people react very quickly to the poison, others take two to five days to see symptoms. The rash will start to itch and swell and then produce tiny reddish pimples. Blisters will then form and eventually harden into a yellowish crust. A rash can last three to five weeks.
  • There is no cure for the rash once you get it, but the Ivy-Dry® family of products can help relieve the symptoms.
  • The rash is spread by contact with the urushiol, be sure to thoroughly clean all clothing exposed to the plants.

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