Bug Bite Facts
Why do Mosquito and other Insect Bites Itch?
Visible, irritating mosquito bites are due to an immune response to antigens in the mosquito’s saliva. Our bodies release a substance called histamine that causes inflammation that we perceive as itching as our body tries to rid itself of these antigens.
How do you treat Mosquito Bites?
Pharmacists agree that the most effective over-the-counter treatment of Mosquito bites is Ivy-Dry®: Ivy-Dry® SUPER Continuous Spray Can, Ivy-Dry® SUPER, and Ivy-Dry® Cream.
Why Do Spider, Ant, Wasp, and Bee Stings Itch?
These insects inject venom which they use to kill their prey-usually insects. Visible irritating bites are due to an immune response to antigens in the venom. Our bodies release a substance called histamine that causes inflammation that we perceive as itching as our body tries to rid itself of these antigens. Serious health issues or death can arise if you are highly allergic or if the venom is extremely toxic as is the case with certain species of spiders and other biting insects.
How do you treat Bug Bites?
Ivy-Dry® products help relieve the itch from bug bites.

Easily apply to hard-to-reach areas of the body, at any angle, even up-side-down.