A great product that works FAST

I just had to let you know how over the moon I am with your Ivy Dry
Scrub.  I am writing this on a Sunday.  I woke up with the rash on
Friday, after an unknown exposure on Thursday.  It took me a day or so
to realize that poison ivy must be the problem – I haven’t had it in
ages so it didn’t cross my mind.  I tried benedryl gel and oral
antihistimines and nothing was helping.  I was miserable – my forearms
were covered in huge, red, swollen, hot, bumpy patches of skin and it
had spread to my hands, cheeks, and neck as well.  The back of your
package says a severe case will appear leathery and look like chemical
burns – that sounds like what I have.

I used your product today – three days after exposure – and it made a
huge, immediate improvement.  I was amazed.  In the past I have just
suffered with the rash until it went away but this is the worst I have
ever had it – it was unbearable!  I was up all night last night

My mother-in-law recommened a product called Zanfel but your product
seems almost identical and is half the price.  Thank you for that!!!
And thank you for a great product that works FAST.

For the past 2 days, I haven’t been able to shut up about how itchy I
am.  Now I can’t shut up about how wonderful I feel.  There is nothing
quite like having that hideous, itchy, poison ivy ITCH just suddenly