Wow, what an incredible product you have to treat posion ivy! I recently contracted a pretty good case of it on my forearms and stomach. This after I would have sworn I was immune, having only had a small patch of it about 40 years ago and never contracting it since. I honestly went to the drug store to buy the typical Calamine lotion, but luckily I stopped to ask the pharmacist if there was anything better. She directed me to your Ivy-Dry product, and although I was a little leery at first, I bought it, tried it and got immediate relief. I used it for a week and was able to discontinue use. My wife insisted it would take longer to take care of the problem, having been a past sufferer of poison ivy and oak. It was cured and has been no problem since. Thanks for such a great product. I will do my part to let others know how well it worked for me. You might want to advertise some, since everyone I have told about it has said they’ve never heard of it before. Thank you!